Acting and Drama in The Godfather

Acting and Drama in The Godfather
“You come to me on my daughter’s wedding,” is only one of the famous things that is repeated from the movie The Godfather. Even in the popular children’s show The Rugrat’s the beginning scene of the godfather is recreated.
This movie is well known for its story and use of many language systems of film, but the effect of acting and drama is often understated when compared to the other language systems.

Marlon Brando does a great job when it comes to using “The Method.” The method is when an actor gets into being the character they are trying to portray in the movie, in this case Vito Corleone. When an actor is using the method they try to stay in character whenever possible this helps to ensure that the character that they are portraying is as believable as possible. Brando’s performance of Vito Corleone is a good example of this way of acting. One of the most visible aspects of his acting is the voice he uses for Corleone. His voice has a thick accent that helps to perpetuate his Italian roots. The way Brando walks is very fluid and powerful to help show the status Corleone holds. Brando also uses a lot of hand gestures when he talks this is a trait that is common when Italians talk and this helps to show Vito’s Italian roots. Vito is also always seen with a frown and a very straight face and does not smile much during the movie. By using the method to stay in the character Brando was able to keep his face as stern as possible while he was doing the part of Vito.


Clothing is a very important aspect in this movie when it comes to portraying characters. Vito is almost always scene in a very nice suit. This helps to show the professional air that he puts on. His high quality clothing also helps to show that he is of a very high status when it comes to others around him. The only time when he is not scene in his suit is when he is in the hospital sick. This helps to show that he is no longer capable of running his business. When Vito is planning a murder of two men who hurt a man’s daughter he does it in a more professional manor. When Sonny goes to get revenge on his father he and the other men in the room are dressed more casually and in a less professional manor than Vito. For the majority of the movie it is shot inside with very low lighting. This helps to add to the dark and mysterious air that the movie presents. When there is no business being discussed by that characters the location changes from being lighter and will often be outside.

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